If you are on Academic Probation or Dismissal and would like to drop a course with a W, you are required to meet with an advisor to discuss dropping a course. If you have questions please call us at 301-405-1697
Please note that students are responsible for checking eligibility and pre-requisite status for all courses they request. If a student requests a stamp and registers for a class without the pre-req, they must make the appropriate change to their schedule.
If you need permission to take a CCJS course, please go to www.ccjsstamps.umd.edu for the request. If you are on academic probation/dismissal or need stamps because you are a student athlete or in AAP, please make your request on the BSOS stamps site here and then also on the CCJS stamps website.
All Shady Grove CCJS majors should contact their program director, Dr. Stickle wstickle@umd.edu for permission for Shady Grove CCJS classes as well as permission stamps for students on academic probation and dismissal.